Prepare Statements in Golang MySQL Driver

go-sql-driver/mysql has two kinds of functions Query() and Exec().
I would like to see how Query() works.

Two Modes

Query(query string, args ...interface{}) function has two modes according to whether there are args.

Plaintext Mode

If Query(query) is called without args, I call it ‘Plantext Mode’.

In this mode, driver does NOT do anything on the query string, and just send it directly to MySQL server.

Interpolation Mode

If there are some placeholders in query string (i.e. ? in MySQL) and some args are passed in to interpolate, I call it ‘Interpolation Mode’.

In this mode, driver actually does 3 actions

  • Prepare a statement.

  • Execute the prepared statement using given args.

  • Close the prepared statement.

That is exactly the slogan of prepared statement Prepare Once, Execute Many.


SQL Injection

Assume you have a table named prepare

id name
1 name1
2 name2
3 name3

A SQL can be run select id, name from prepare where id = 1; on this table.

It returns

id name
1 name1

Everything is fine. Ok, let’s have a look at how to implement it in previous two modes.

  • Plaintext Mode
func plaintextQuery(db *sql.DB, id string) *sql.Row {
return db.Query("select id, name from prepare where id = " + id + ";")
  • Interpolation Mode
func interpolationQuery(db *sql.DB, id string) *sql.Row {
return db.Query("select id, name from prepare where id = ?;", id)

When you pass “1” as id, everything is expected. However, is it really OK? Let’s try a SQL injection case, pass “1 or 1 = 1” as id.

Oops, interpolationQuery() still returns the same, but plaintextQuery() returns all data in the table which means violated SQL has been injected.


I make up a simple insert SQL through the two modes.

Inserts Number:  100000
Plaintext Mode
Duration 16.058662357s
Interpolation Mode
Duration 24.076297264s

It means that Plaintext Mode has a better performance than Interpolation Mode.
It is reasonable because Interpolation Mode has to do 3 network communications per Query() or Exec().


  • Interpolation Mode can be used to avoid most of SQL injection, which is an important benifit. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use it especially for user input parameters may cause SQL injection.

  • Plaintext Mode has a better performance to some extent. However, there still some methods to speed up Interpolation Mode, I will talk about it later.
